The Ruhr

The Ruhr, acrylic paint on canvas, 50x60cm

 It seems that the river will remain a painting theme for me for quite a while, changing its colors with the seasons, waters low or high, quiet or wild, a place for meditation, contemplation and sports. And, of course, for sketching and painting! May we all help keep it beautiful, clean and healthy. 

We both were vaccinated!!


While my husband was vaccinated in February-March at the Dialysis Center, I finally got an appointment for the end of April at Essen's fair and convention center in the Gruga park.  

 I had a chance of sketching the queue waiting for the vaccination center to open.  Once inside, it was pretty quick, but then, because I was sketching outside, I let I had about thirty people pass me, which gave me some time inside to sketch.

Ladies in the 15 minute rest area.

Six weeks later, I went for the second shot.  Again, I was a bit early and sketched outside.  Later, I had a chance to sketch the crowd sitting their 15 minute rest after the shot, before allowed to move on.

Slow return to normal life (before the floods hit us)

In the Ruhr basin, people are returning to the streets and enjoying a visit to a coffee shop or restaurant. They still prefer to stay outdoors and wear masks whenever stepping inside.  

At the Schlosscafé in Bochum, a Biergarten next to the Ruhr river, a restaurant or a bakery, it is delightful to enjoy someone else's baking with an expresso or hot chocolate.