Memories of the Gran Sabana

The Gran Sabana (Parque Nacional Canaima), in Venezuela, is one of the oldest geological formations in the world, dating back over 500 million years.  I have visited the area six times.  Its extraordinary landscapes have been inspiration for filmakers, photographers and artists.  The first four paintings depict the Roraima Tepui, in the fourth, accompanied by the Kukenan tepui.

No normal life yet

2020 was an exceptionally hard year for us. My husband Harry survived two intubations with artificial coma. In the process his kidneys got damaged, requiring dialysis now.  This is an additional restriction to our freedom of movement and has impacted the volume and quality of my work.  But I still manage to sketch!  This is my recent output.

The Ruhr river has been one of my favorite places to walk, sketch and paint during the months of corona isolation.  Below is the Ruhr in winter, a week before we had an unusual snowfall dressing the landscape for an entire week.

Then, there was some sketching accomplished at home

The woods behind our building and landscapes nearby